Oakside Surgery & Budshead Medical Practice combine to create Dewerstone Medical Group

Posted by: riannawallis - Posted on:

Like many GP practices and NHS services across the country, we have been struggling with staffing, access, and continuing to provide the service in the way we would hope too due to increasing pressures and challenges. This has meant that over the last 12 months, we have had to think differently about how we run our practices.

We explored the options to merge together. We already work together within Sound PCN and have done for many years. We share the same values and have a similar patient list size. This merge into Dewerstone Medical Group is all about building resilience into the practices to ensure we can continue to offer our patients the care they deserve.

While considering the options, we heard from staff about their thoughts and feelings on this, and tried to identify any potential impacts that a merge might have so we could plan accordingly and reduce any concerns people may have.

We have now made the decision to merge the two practices on 01 November 2024 and this has been approved by our commissioners, NHS Devon.

Patients of both practices will not need to take any action and there shouldn’t be any disruption to the normal services we provide as two sites within the group.

Dewerstone Medical Group are currently working on how we can work closer together in the future, and several projects are currently being discussed. As these become reality we will obviously update our patients on any changes in the future. Currently nothing is changing at this time.

We expect the outcomes of the merger only to be positive for our patients overall. The merger will lead to a larger clinical group working together ensuring best practice at all times, and hopefully when the Acute GP Hub is open that we can concentrate on being able to offer more routine GP Appointments.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When will the proposed merger take place?

We are aiming to merge the practices on 01 November 2024.

Will I still be able to make an appointment to see my usual doctor or nurse?

Yes. We very much value all of the one to one relationships our patients have with our doctors and nurses. It is therefore expected that merging practices will further increase our ability to provide you with continuity of care and access to your usual doctor and/or nurse.

We also expect to be able to reduce the need for locum doctors and provide you with a greater number of highly skilled local doctors and nurses in the event that your usual doctor or nurse is absent from work.

Will I still be able to make appointments to be seen at my usual doctor’s surgery?

Yes. We will continue to provide daily appointments to see doctors, nurses and healthcare support workers at your own GP practice.

Will I be able to make appointments to see a doctor/nurse at the other sites?

As our plans fully develop, we expect that you will be able to request appointments with your doctor and / or nurse from either practice site, therefore providing you with greater access to a wider range of services and availability. We will regularly assess demand across both sites and look at where appointments are needed most. The creation of the GP Acute Hub will be the first step in the process and we hope to have this running very soon. This Hub will deal with all on the day GP requests across Dewerstone Medical Group therefore taking work away from individual practices.

Will my usual surgery opening times stay the same?

Yes. We are not making any changes to our core opening times. We also expect to be able to improve and extend our opening times for all of our patients by offering Enhanced Access appointments on a virtual basis and will offer specific Saturday Clinics.

Will there be changes made to the way I book appointments?

No. We are not currently anticipating any changes to the way you book appointments and you will therefore continue to be able to book these in the same way as you do now.

We will also continue to contact all of our patients who require scheduled vaccinations, chronic disease reviews or routine screening such as cervical screening tests in the same way that we currently do.

Will I still ring the same number I always have and will I have the same access?

The telephone numbers will remain the same as they are now. We have a single telephone system for all sites. We are keen to keep existing numbers and make the system as simple for patients to use as possible. We will have enough phone lines and staff to support access for booking appointments.

What will be merged Practice be called? Will the name of my Practice change?

The organisation will be called Dewerstone Medical Group and the site names will remain the same, Oakside Surgery and Budshead Medical Practice.

Will the current arrangements that I have in place for getting my medicines stay the same?

Yes. There are no changes anticipated at present and any future changes in process will be fully communicated to patients.

Will the intended merge affect any treatment or medication I am currently receiving either at my usual surgery or any hospital?

No. Any current treatments, medications, investigations and/or referrals will not be affected by our intentions to merge.

Will I need to re-register to become a patient of the single GP Practice? What will happen to my health records?

No, you will not need to re-register and we also anticipate that you will keep the same named GP you have now. All of our patients will remain with the single GP Practice and your health records will reside within a single patient database.

The NHS safeguards in relation to patient confidentiality of information will continue to remain in place throughout the transition and afterwards.

Will the single GP Practice be able to provide new services to patients?

One of the main reasons to merge and form a larger practice is for us to be able to expand the services that we are able to provide locally. For example, we hope to be able to include access to see more healthcare professionals e.g. Paramedics, Advanced Nurse Prescribers and create more routine GP appointments.

How will the new arrangement benefit GPs and Nurses at the practice?

Our GPs, Nurses and Healthcare Support Workers will all have access to a wider pool of clinical knowledge and expertise to draw upon and we will have far greater opportunities to specialise in areas such as diabetes, care of the elderly, palliative care and urgent care access. We also have access to the PCN Community Care Team if home visits are required.

We also anticipate that the current level of administrative tasks our clinical staff perform will be dramatically reduced; therefore allowing more time to spend on responding to and delivering the clinical care our patients need.

We will also be able to better cover any planned or unplanned absences which we hope will alleviate the resulting pressures felt by remaining staff. In addition, we should also be able to reduce our reliance on expensive locum staff.

We also anticipate that all of our staff will be provided with greater opportunities for enhanced training and career development.

Will any staff be made redundant?

No. All staff will continue to be employed as they are now. We are actually recruiting to ensure we have a full workforce covering both of our sites.

Will patients have to wait longer for appointments?

No. On the contrary. As part of the merger we will be looking at appointments offered across all sites and plan for there to be more appointments and choice for patients. With a more varied workforce it should be easier to book an appointment with the best person to treat you.

Will any service that is currently offered by my usual surgery be removed or stopped?

No. We do not anticipate services being removed or stopped. If anything, we anticipate that this merger will bring about a greater choice of services.

Will I have to go to another GP Practice site for consultations and/or treatments?

No. However, if in the future we feel that one of the sites provides a better or more appropriate service for specific patients – for example a particular clincian at one site may specialise in COPD or diabetes – you may be asked if you would like to attend there in order to access more specialised care if this is appropriate and you choose this option.

Will there be any changes to how I access the GP out of hours service?

No. We already offer appointments virtually outside of the practice. In order to access a GP when the merged practice is closed, you will still continue to telephone the NHS 111 service and they will either signpost you to the most appropriate service or arrange for you to access a GP.

Is there a risk of the practices going private?

No. It would not be in line with the vision and ethos of either practice to consider this an option. This merger is about building resilience into the practices and ensuring we deliver the best opportunities for our existing patient population.

What will happen with our Patient Participation Groups?

The existing PPG members from both practices have been notified of the changes. We hope this may be a good opportunity to show the PPG members that there will be little difference to the day to day operations of both practices. We look forward to sharing the outcomes of the current discussions with our patients.

If we don’t merge what will the future look like?

General practice is seeing a substantial increase in demand coupled with fewer doctors choosing a career in primary care. In order to ensure we can continue to provide a high standard of care that is sustainable for the future the partners at both practices believe this merger needs to happen.

Will the merged practice merge again with more practices in the future?

We do not currently have any plans to merge again after this change. We already work closely with other practices in our PCN and see the benefits of working together in a variety of ways. It will always be important to our Partners and staff that other practices we work with share our personal, patient-centred approach and this is the case in Sound PCN as we already share resources such as in house Physios, Counsellors, Social Prescribers, as well as virtual Pain Clinics, Clinical Pharmacists and Virtual GP’s.

Who makes the final decision? Is it already a ‘given’ that it will go ahead?

The legalities of creating the group have gone ahead. We still remain, and will remain two practices and have been given permission to consult patients now. After everyone has been informed of the plans and given the chance to give feedback the practices will produce a final report to be submitted to the commissioners. We will update both websites to keep you updated.

Will my feedback be listened to?

Yes. We really value the input our patients and stakeholders can contribute to this process. We are trying to provide the best possible service to meet our patient and community needs so it helps us to know what you would like to see and why

How will I know when the merger has taken place?

Once the merger has been agreed we will contact all our patients by text (if we have appropriate details/consent) to keep them informed of progress. We will also update both Practice websites.

I have further questions I would like to ask and / or comments I would like to make. How do I do this?

You can put these in writing for the attention of the Practice Manager at your usual surgery.

Will the clinicians be able to view my medical record?

Yes. Our clinical and telephony systems are not merging at this time and we will continue to remain as 2 separate sites and systems. Your individual record will remain with your registered practice and only clinicians with approval will be able to access your records, and only when required due to the clinical need.